Thursday, December 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Lahir ke-3 sayang

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Iman Nuryasmin,
Happy birthday to you...

Hari ni (12/12/07), genap 3 tahun Iman Nuryasmin dilahirkan. Syukur Alhamdulillah, kami dikurniakan Allah dengan anak gadis yang cantik dan sempurna sifat.

To our dearest baby girl,
maafkan mama and papa, for not be able to throw a big bash birthday celebration as always this time for you. But we still managed to get you a yummy birthday mud cake, though and we can see that you really liked it..good! And Yasmin, we are very sorry and regret so much as we didn't get you any birthday present like we always do this year. We just want you to know that, we will always pray for your success, well-being and your happiness!

This year celebration, there is no Atuk, Opah, Uncle or Aunty, or friends to join in together. There is only four of us, Papa, Mama, Abang Iman and you, Yasmin. Papa and Mama try so hard to make you happy here. We really hope you can remember this day forever, as how we have to live in hard a way in order to achieve what we want in our life. Almost all nights, we've been crying and thinking about all the families and friends back in Malaysia. So sad...Allahuakbar, harini tak jemu-jemu papa and mama cium Yasmin, our birthday girl.

Don't worry sayang, just bear this in mind...apa yang papa n mama buat, semuanya untuk yasmin and abg iman. You two are the most precious gift and we promise, we'll do anything to make you happy, always!

Happy 3rd birthday darling...


MRM said...

Happy 3rd birthday Iman NurYasmin. May your life full of happiness and may Allah be with you all the time.

Cheers! :)

dLyn aZmi said...

pos aaa kek tu kat nz :D org lg la alone kat sini huhu

Ahmad Javanese said...

Happy Besday NurYasmin :) Moga2 diberkati Allaah di perantauan :)

weh, asal muka anak pompuan kau sejibik muka bini kau. takde hybrid kau langsung aaa. hehehehe.

tapi takpe leh makan hormo kasik genetik kuat sket

word verification kali ni panjang daaaa --> mpxvjwvb

Anonymous said...

aduhh..menitik air mata baca n3 ni11 uhuk uhuk..mayb because i share the same thougyt to my darling girl and her birthday is also just around the corner. anyway, happy girthday to you too Iman Nuryasmin..semoga membesar menjadi anak yang solehah, pintar dan menyenangkan hati org tua. dan semoga org tuamu diberi kekuatan dan pertolongan dalam membesarkanmu sebaik mungkin dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun..amiin not to forget, congrats to papa n mama yasmin! cheers!

Nabil said...

adui...dah laa tgh lapar ni...nak kek!!! Hepi besday Girlllll ^_^

dLyn aZmi said...

aler nabil tu mintak kek mcm mkn.. byk kali org kasi kek kat diye x mkn pun :P

Nabil said...

org bukan nak nak strawberry atas kek tu :D

Actually Dr tak bg sgt mkn coklat n kek sbb tu la tak mkn sgt kek :D

Sazly Salfarina said...

Terima kasih kepada semua, sori tahun ni tak dapat nak jemput cam tahun2 yang lepas. Kat sini nasib baik ade kedai kek yang halal, blh jugak makan kek time birthday celebration.

Ala Nabil, nanti bile aku balik, ko ingatkan aku. Aku belanja ko makan semua kek yang ade kat secret recipe. Ko ckp je nak makan kek ape, kawan nye pasal, wa tada hal.

Lin, kat NZ ade kedai kek halal ke? Mengiurkan tak kek dia. Kat sini kek biasa jer, tapi ok la daripada takde.

Ape cite ina ek? Bagi la gamba anak ko. Nak jugak tgk anak ko tu, cam ko ke atau ca, abg adee. hehe... abg adee

Anonymous said...

eh, aku org last ucap ke? kalau mcm tu baca dgn kuat2

"Selamat Hari Lahir Yasmin"
"Semoga balik nanti tau cakap bahasa malaysia :))"

dLyn aZmi said...

x prnh jumpa lak kedai kek halal kt sini.. tp sbb malaysians ramai yg slalu wat kek kan... xde lah kempunan sgt.. terliur bile lalu kat kfc n pizza hut huhu.... tensen tensen..

iso... so far tgk anak2 post grads yg skolah kat sini, sume dah kiwinize abis.. ilang melayu dah haha

nape x bg tau awl2? if x bley jek tlg mkn bg pihak :P