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Sydney: My first impression...
As soon as we step our feet at Sydney airport, we experienced windy and breezy climate. Just a couple of minutes after checking out our luggages Faizah (fellow from UPM), Kak Ruhaya, Abg Azlan (President of Malaysian Postgraduate Student Association, NSW (MyPSA)) and his wife Kak Zurin arrived to welcome us all to Sydney and drove us to the Sydney Malaysia Hall. We were lucky to be able to borrow Abg Din and Kak Khaz car since they weren't at Sydney at that time. The whole family went to celebrate Idul Fitri away at their home town in Malaysia. Many many thanks to everybody that have kindly lend their helps and spared their time assisting me and my family on our very first day in Sydney.The Aussies are very friendly, but too straight forward, i guess. Not like we Malaysian, we kind of always has this "bunga-bunga" when we want to talk to someone or give remarks. One thing that I noticed, the people here really abide with the law and so well mannered at what they are doing. Things that you cannot see so often in Malaysia.
Even though my first impression about Australia is a thumb up, deep down in my heart, Malaysia is still the best country ever.Hujan emas di negeri orang Hujan batu di negeri sendiri Lebih baik di negeri sendiri...At this point, there are many things to be done. Looking for a house, car, seeing supervisor, finding a school for Iman Raziq (he's turning 5 years old next year and is required to enter school by this age), touring around UNSW... So many things to do and so many time to spend. Hopefully everything will be settled as soon as possible so that we can begin our studies with no worries!.
Wah, giler power english ni. Sape tulis ni? Sazly atau sal? Kawan2, mula teka skrg... lol
hahaha... teke-teke. Yang pastinya, hari-hari aku cakap omputih. Otomatiknya, BI aku pon dah improve le gamaknye.
Happy to know you've arrived safely.. Hope things went smooth and as planned. Be patient as things can sometimes be so unpredictable and will in turn make life so miserable (like i'm so used to Anyway, good luck to both of you!
Tahniah Sazly dan Sal,
Aku jamin korang akan mendapat pengalaman yg sgt berharga, keseronokan dan kepuasan belajar.
Jgn lupa cari dan establish contact2 di aussie.
Dan yg paling bestnya dah tak payah order playboy lagi! hahaha!
Wah wah wah en erzam... jangan suke tengok playboy. Banyak lagi buku lain yang berfaedah cam penthouse ke...
InsyaAllah pengalaman ni mmg berharga. Balik nanti kalau panjang umur, blh kongsi ngan membe membe kat sana.
Lagi satu, bile ko nak balik nih. Aku dah kuar, kurang sorang jantan kat fakulti... Sian Dr Norwati
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