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What do they know?
Hi again. there is nothing much to put in this latest post, since we are busy with the study. However, trying not to disappoint our blog reader out there, we try to put something at least so that everybody have something to read and see. Here is some of the latest update about me and my family. If you think this post is little bit boring, just send us yr comment. Trust me, yr comment will surely cheer us up a lot (at least we know that we aren't talking to ourselves)!
My wife Sal, she has already got a temporary pc to work on and a permanent workstation at NICTA. She's still waiting for the notebook though. The spec of the notebook is quite advance and its pink! About her research progress, well I think she is in good condition. Her supervisor helps her a lot. She knows what to do, what to read, and what to write. Imagine all that is done in just a month here...
For me, I'm still struggling to find a topic and area of research. I've been doing so much reading on the area of Parallel programming and multi-core processing, as well as the real-time scheduling, however at the end i've had to give up thinking about that since the area is beyond my capability...duh! Right now, after get consulted with my supervisor, he suggested me to read and try to get a problem on the area of "program analysis". Well, I only know that it is the program that analyze the behavior of the programming. So if somebody can help me with that, I'm so pleased to hear from you.
Our kids, we assume that they are always excited to be here. Both of us trying to give them everything so that they will always happy and enjoy living in such a different environment from what they've used to. Iman is looking forward to go to Kindy early next year. And so we are doing the best we can to prepare him for that matter...language, making friends.. and whats important, the school fees. AUD4500.00 per year is a lot of money since he will not be sponsored by anybody, except FAMA. However, whatever happens, we will make sure that they will experience the best education ever and will become somebody in the future, insyaAllah!
dah besar yasmin,
apsal kat malaysia hari tu nampak kecik je lagi.....
sbb cuaca kat sana kot ek?
kirim kat sal, iman dan yasmin ek...
I don't think I'm gonna leave my comments too often here but just to let you know that I'm one of your reader. So don't worry, you will not be talking to yourself :P
All the best there!
Lex bro :) Aku tau ramai dok kata macam ni... tapi aku rasa ada kebenaran dia.
Lama-kelamaan, lepas dah baca dan tak faham dan tak faham dan tak faham... aleh2 faham. Sket pon jadi la, terbukak pintu :) Last2, insya-Allaah faham banyak dan tau apa nak buat. Bukan apa... ni mmg style camne Boss kat atas buat kita kot :) Constantly doiing something... will give U rewards insya-Allaah. Janji buat ngan betul la. hehehehe.
Tapi aku tau sana quite tough. Kekeke. Kan aku dah buat "1st PhD" . kui kui kui... ni tengah buat PhD ke "2" ni. hahahahaha!!!
Kalau Sal dah ada menda nak buat, Alhamdulillaah. NICTA profit based... so maybe dah ada projek sesiap utk dia. Kau bukan NICTA kan? Ke ko pun NICTA gaks?
Anywayz... good luck bro... also good luck to Sal oso :) hehehe. Weh, ko kalau singgah2 Hall, tanya aa Kak Nani ingat lagi ke tak "mamat" yg lari balik mesia tu... kekekekeke.
Selamat Hari Raya Aji
update lagi la weiii
amik gambar easlakes dan Barber Avenue... especially apt yang betul2 kat corner tu. kekekekek
jgn bimbang. ambe pon membaca goks...:D
anyway gudluck...
hehe, sabo la mr alpiyan. Gamba baru takdok la. Nanti ar, akan diupdate nanti.
Terima kasih la pada semua, seronot kami mendenarnye...
alpian ape la ko merepek pjg tu2 :D
aku punya word verification ari ni = alfez...ahaha
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