This time entry is going to be all about my research supervisors (sv). The first one is Prof. Ross Jeffery who is known as the manager of the project and is widely recognized researcher in empirical software engineering as the head of the ESE research group at NICTA, Australian Technology Park at Redfern. He is also a Professor at the School of Computer Science (CSE), UNSW.
The second one is actually my main sv and appear to be my favorite sv (see picture). His name is Dr. Paul Bannerman and currently an active researcher in business IT related management and Knowledge Management of course.
The third one is actually my co-sv, Dr. Mark Staples. All I can say is that I m fortunate to get to know them and to work with them..
Last Saturday (18/11/07) we were very lucky to have our very
first guess, PM Hasan Selamat (Assoc. Prof) from UPM who is also my head of dept and happened to be my ex-sv during my master studies. What really touches us was that his willingness to visit us in Sydney when he was supposed to go straight to Melbourne to attend the APMC 2007 on 19th morning. Thank you very much, Prof! Your presence had cheered us up...especially my kids who had been calling him ATOK ;-) during his overnight stay at our place in Sydney.
Pergh, nmpk sgt dia tinggi n besar. Sal mcm semut ditepi je..
Nyanyi skit lagu semut merah..hehehe
Si Paul bukan besar mana pon iso, si Sal ni ha yang kecik. Hohoho...
kenangan laluuuu
hehehe. good luck korang berdua :D
wow.. seems like u r enjoying u life there.. just found out about this blog.. tu ler.. jrg sgt online hehehehe
betul aaa
kecik bebeno Sal sebelah mamat tu
kes kes kes
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